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No, referral is not required. You can simply choose to book for an ADHD Assessment with one of our ADHD Specialist Clinicians on our website.

Once we’ve stabilised you on your ADHD medication through our Medication Review Appointments. We’ll take the necessary steps to ensure ongoing access to your medication. This involves initiating a Shared Care Agreement between us and your GP.

ADHD Certify has partnered with a single nominated pharmacy for issuing our medications due to a Service Level Agreement (SLA) we have in place with GDP Pharmacy. This SLA ensures the safe and consistent issuing of medications, along with thorough auditing and tracking processes. Additionally, by standardising the process with one pharmacy, we maintain high levels of quality control, reduce the risk of errors, and provide a streamlined experience for our patients. This arrangement allows us to meet regulatory requirements more effectively while ensuring that patients medications are reliably and securely managed.

Once we’ve stabilised you on your medication, we’ll write to your GP to provide an explanation of your treatment journey with us and request their acceptance of a Shared Care Agreement. This agreement outlines the responsibilities of both parties in managing your ADHD medication.

It’s important to note that your GP has the legal right to refuse acceptance of a Shared Care Agreement. This refusal may stem from various reasons, including limitations within their GP contract with the NHS. GP’s are legally entitled to refuse shared care agreements from any specialist whether that be NHS Specialists or Private Specialists.

ADHD Certify is a reputable assessment service, offering transparent and reliable evaluations for individuals seeking ADHD assessments.

All of our ADHD assessments are conducted by clinicians who are registered with the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) or the GPhC (General Pharmaceutical Council). Complex cases can be reviewed and discussed during our monthly MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Team) meeting, which is chaired by a GMC-registered psychiatrist.

Age 5 years old and upwards

  • You and someone close to you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire prior to your ADHD Assessment appointment.
  • Your ADHD assessment will be conducted by one of our specialist ADHD Clinicians.
  • The appointment will be held online via a video link which will be emailed to you.
  • The ADHD assessment will last approximately 90 minutes but may take less time than this.
  • The ADHD assessment is conducted in a relaxed conversational way designed to put you at ease.

Yes, payment for your ADHD Assessment can be made via Stripe. Payment can be made in three interest-free instalments with Klarna.

Payments for Medication Review appointments need to be made in full prior to the appointment.

Yes, ADHD Certify uses certified ADHD specialists who have the appropriate training to diagnose ADHD

Yes, your ADHD Specialist clinician will make note of any reasonable adjustments they feel you may benefit from within your report you receive.

Within 10 working days of your ADHD assessment, you will receive your report by email.

The report will detail :

  • Diagnosis outcome
  • An explanation of the diagnosis findings
  • Proposed treatment plan and options
  • Information Pack on how to move forward with your treatment plan

If your treatment plan includes medication for ADHD, your personal clinician will prescribe the appropriate medication. They’ll send the prescription directly to our partner pharmacy, who will then arrange for the medication to be delivered straight to your home.

Towards the end of your ADHD Assessment, your ADHD Specialist may be in a position to give you a diagnosis at that moment. In some more complex cases your ADHD Specialist may need more time after the your assessment to consider all the evidence they have compiled before coming to a conclusion regarding a possible diagnosis. In either scenario, you will receive via email an official report (including any diagnosis made) within 10 working days of your ADHD Assessment.