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Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

ADHD Certify maintains a steadfast commitment against modern slavery. We are dedicated to conducting our business ethically and transparently, ensuring that no forms of modern slavery exist within ADHD Certify or its associated supply chains. Our stance on this matter will be clearly communicated and aligned with our partner organisations.

While current regulations may not mandate a modern slavery statement, we firmly believe in its importance. Hence, we have chosen to adopt a statement that will be regularly updated and accessible on our website. This practice not only aligns with best industry standards but also underscores our unwavering commitment to ethical practices.

Organisational Overview and Supply Chain

ADHD Certify operates as a cutting-edge virtual clinic specialising in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism—neurodevelopmental conditions impacting numerous lives in the UK annually.

We prioritise comprehensive employment checks, ensuring compliance with employment regulations and guaranteeing salaries above the Living Wage.

Strategic Approach to Mitigating Modern Slavery Risks

Recognizing potential modern slavery risks within our supply chain, ADHD Certify emphasises proactive measures within our procurement policies and procedures. Our ongoing commitments include: • Periodic reviews and enhancements of procurement protocols • Implementation of risk assessments for both existing and prospective suppliers.

Continuous Enhancement

Our dedication to eradicating modern slavery risks is unwavering. To this end, we will:

  • Continuously refine our policies and documentation to reinforce our robust anti-slavery stance
  • Educate and inform our staff on evolving policies and procedures
  • Extend our stringent procurement methodology to all existing suppliers
  • Apply our enhanced procurement criteria to evaluate prospective suppliers
  • Integrate modern slavery considerations across pivotal policies, encompassing recruitment, safeguarding, and whistleblowing.