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Privacy Policy


Name: ADHD Certify
Address: Hollybush, Upper Bond Street, Hinckley, United Kingdom, LE10 1RH
Phone Number:
Date of this Notice: 8 Jan 2024

Collection of personal information

  • Details regarding the patient(s) may be obtained through verbal discussions or written communication with clients, family, friends, or caregivers.
  • Upon obtaining parental permission, we might gather information from other professionals associated with our patients.
  • In relevant to our patients, we may collect information concerning family members, including but not limited to, contact information for parents and any relevant medical or developmental backgrounds.
  • While browsing the ADHD Certify website, you have the option to withhold personal details. However, if you intend to reach out to us via the website or email, please provide essential contact information like your name, email address, and phone number, ensuring our prompt response to your inquiries.
  • You are welcome to put any remarks or questions, which might contain personal insights.
  • Upon subsequent consultations with ADHD Certify, any pertinent information may be incorporated into the patient’s personal records.
  • It is noteworthy that our website may have links directing to external sites beyond our jurisdiction. Such third-party platforms are not governed by this privacy policy, and we disclaim responsibility for any information shared on these external sites.

We collect and process personal information including names, dates of birth, postal addresses, email addresses, bank details, diagnosis and treatment specifics, and appointment details, along with information on other healthcare professionals involved in patient care. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

We primarily obtain personal information directly from the client for purposes such as providing treatment, offering advice, and enhancing our service.

We also receive personal information indirectly from sources such as referring clinicians and NHS Trusts.

The use of personal information

  • Personal information gathered through ADHD Certify’s website, email, telephone, or direct interactions to facilitate and enhance your therapy services.
  • When prescribing through our affiliated pharmacy, we might share personal data with Golcar Delivery Pharmacy.
  • All sensitive personal data is securely stored and processed confidentially by ADHD Certify or our associated partners.
  • Personal information is utilised exclusively to deliver the appropriate therapeutic services to the patient. With proper consent, we may share your needs and information with other professionals engaged in the patient’s care, ensuring the patient’s best interests are prioritised.
  • Consent records are maintained within the patient’s case documentation.
  • Except when mandated by law, we pledge not to disclose any collected personal information.
  • ADHD Certify refrains from outsourcing personal data processing to third-party agents, such as specialised mailing firms for communication purposes.
  • Client details are not shared or sold to external parties by ADHD Certify, except for collaborations with allied health professionals.

How we use personal information at ADHD Certify:

  • To formulate, strategize, and deliver therapy services tailored to the patient’s requirements.
  • For communication purposes with clients via mail, email, phone, or text, encompassing tasks such as:
  • Confirming and organising appointments.
  • Maintaining regular communication between scheduled sessions.
  • Distributing reports and treatment plans for the patient.
  • Including clients in discussions with other healthcare professionals regarding the patient’s care.
  • Dispatching relevant resources and invoices.

– For conducting clinical audits aimed at evaluating and enhancing the services provided by ADHD Certify. The outcomes of these audits consistently uphold client anonymity.

– For administrative and managerial tasks, like storing client surnames in our secure, password-protected database.

When unnecessary, ADHD Certify ensures the removal of personal identifiers from the data.

How we store personal information at ADHD Certify:

  • Information pertaining to clients, patients, and their therapeutic treatments is securely stored in Cliniko software.
  • ADHD Certify holds onto physical and confidential data (like evaluations or case records).
  • We maintain records only for the requisite duration, ensuring deletion from our databases no later than 6 years post the conclusion of our engagement with you.
  • Communications via email and associated invoices are purged from ADHD Certify’s databases after a span of 5 years.

Breach Procedure

If any confidential data is compromised, lost, or improperly accessed, ADHD Certify adheres to a breach protocol.

  • An ADHD Certify staff member informs the Data Protection Champion.
  • ADHD Certify consults with the ICO for guidance on appropriate actions.
  • If deemed necessary, ADHD Certify may reach out to the client.

UK Data Protection Law and EU General Data Protection Regulations

Data Protection Law mandates comprehensive regulations with criminal penalties for the handling of data concerning identifiable individuals. It grants individuals specific rights regarding their personal data. ADHD Certify is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a Tier 1 data controller.

Our Legal Basis for Processing Personal Information

  • Our rationale for processing and retaining personal data aligns with the “legitimate interest” provision (as per Article 6 of GDPR). ADHD Certify cannot proficiently serve our patients without processing their data. Given its essential role in our service and the benefits it offers patients, we deem it a legitimate interest to handle and store this information.
  • Information pertaining to an individual’s health falls under the “special category data” as outlined in Section 9 of GDPR. The stipulations recognize that health professionals adhering to professional confidentiality have a legitimate basis for data processing. ADHD Certify’s clinicians are ethically obligated to maintain client confidentiality, which forms the basis for our data processing and storage practices.

Our Responsibilities

  • ADHD Certify prioritises the security and confidentiality of patient records. We actively deploy security protocols and routinely conduct audits to safeguard their data.
  • ADHD Certify refrains from sharing personal data with external entities without prior consent, unless mandated by law.
  • We remain dedicated to upholding and adapting to the prevailing data protection standards.

Sharing Your Information at ADHD Certify:

We may disclose this data to:

  • Healthcare professionals collaborating in patient care.
  • External partners handling financial transactions.

We might engage third-party entities and individuals for various purposes such as:

  • Enhancing our service offerings.
  • Delivering services on our behalf.
  • Executing tasks related to our services.
  • Assisting in evaluating the utilisation of our services.

Users of this platform should be aware that these external entities have access to your Personal Information solely to fulfil their designated responsibilities. Nevertheless, they are bound by agreement not to divulge or utilise the data for unrelated purposes.

Your Data Protection Rights at ADHD Certify:

Under the provisions of data protection legislation, you are entitled to:

  • Access your data – You can request copies of your personal details from us.
  • Rectify inaccuracies – If you believe any of your personal data is incorrect, you can ask us to amend it. You can also request us to supplement incomplete data.
  • Erasure of data – In specific situations, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data.
  • Restrict data processing – Under certain conditions, you can ask us to limit how we handle your personal information.
  • Object to processing – In certain situations, you can object to how we process your personal data.
  • Data portability – You can request that we transfer your provided personal information to another entity or directly to you under specific circumstances.
  • No charges apply for the exercise of these rights. Upon making a request, we will respond within one month.

For any inquiries or to exercise these rights, please reach out to us at

Security Measures at ADHD Certify:

We deeply value the trust you place in us by sharing your Personal Information. To safeguard it, we employ commercially recognized security measures. However, it is essential to acknowledge that no internet transmission or electronic storage method is entirely infallible; hence, we cannot ensure its absolute invulnerability.

External Links:

Our platform might feature links leading to external websites. Should you navigate to these third-party sites, please be aware that they operate independently of us. We urge you to familiarise yourself with their respective Privacy Policies. ADHD Certify holds no jurisdiction over, nor can we be held accountable for, the content or privacy practices of these external platforms.

Privacy Concerns Pertaining to Minors:

Our services are not tailored for individuals below 5 years of age, and we do not intentionally gather personally identifiable data from such individuals. If it comes to our attention that a personal information of a child under the age of 5 submitted, we promptly remove it from our records. Should you be a parent or guardian aware of such an instance, we encourage you to notify us immediately for appropriate actions.

Modifications to this Privacy Policy:

From time to time, we may revise our Privacy Policy. It is advisable to revisit this section occasionally to stay informed about any updates. Any alterations will be communicated by updating this page. Such modifications become effective immediately upon their publication.


If you harbour concerns about the manner in which we handle your data, please direct your complaint to us at .

Should you remain dissatisfied with our response, you have the option to escalate the matter to the ICO.

The ICO’s address:

Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

ICO website: