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Terms & Conditions

Booking and Website T&Cs

  1. ADHD Certify is dedicated to ensuring the privacy and security of your information.
  2. Information related to your medical/psychiatric diagnosis and treatment may be reviewed, used, and disclosed to other professionals or care providers as necessary.
  3. You are required to grant permission for ADHD Certify to share information with your GP, the NHS, and /or other specialists as needed.
  4. You are expected to provide accurate physical and mental health history and status to the best of your knowledge.
  5. You have a continuous responsibility to inform ADHD Certify of any changes in your medical status, psychiatric/mental health, and social status.
  6. ADHD Certify will conduct a comprehensive assessment and may request additional investigations as needed. Treatment may be delayed until deemed safe by the clinician.
  7. Ensure attendance at pre-booked assessment appointments with ADHD Certify.
  8. Pre-payment for all appointments is required and non-refundable, allowing ADHD Certify to proactively plan clinics. In exceptional cases, and solely at the total and absolute discretion of ADHD Certify, a refund may be considered. However, pre-payment for any appointment is generally non-refundable. If ADHD Certify needs to cancel your appointment, you will be promptly offered an alternative appointment date/time or a refund.
  9. Treatment will only commence upon agreement with your treatment plan. ADHD Certify will adhere to the agreed treatment plan, expecting patient compliance.
  10. ADHD Certify encourages patients to pursue recommended treatment beyond the assessment phase, whether medical or non-medical.
  11. Medical treatment may carry risks, including side effects, withdrawal symptoms, and complications. Non-compliance with clinical instructions or exceeding prescribed dosages may lead to treatment cessation without notice for patient safety.
  12. Patients have the discretion to stop treatment or investigations, understanding that this decision may entail serious risks. Any resulting side effects, withdrawal symptoms, or complications are the sole responsibility of the patient.
  13. Breaching ADHD Certify’s terms and conditions or withdrawing from service makes the patient fully liable for any outstanding payments.
  14. ADHD Certify exclusively offers an Outpatient Consultation Service. We cannot address patients in crisis, emergency, or high-risk situations during or outside working hours. In such cases, immediate contact with the local NHS Crisis Team, A&E, or emergency services is advised for prompt support.
  15. We follow the guidelines and abide by the GDPR rules. Personal information is held securely, only for a necessary timescale. Your agreement to these terms and conditions gives consent for your personal data to be held by us to support treatment. All information is available for view upon request.
  16. ADHD Certify is committed to addressing and resolving any complaints promptly and fairly through our established complaints process. We encourage patients to bring forward concerns, and the details of our complaints process are available upon request.
  17. ADHD Certify, its directors, or employees cannot be held responsible for any medical or professional malpractice related to independent practitioners contracted to provide clinical services on behalf of ADHD Certify. Each practitioner operates independently, and their professional conduct falls under their individual responsibility. Any concerns or complaints regarding the actions of independent practitioners should be directed to the respective practitioner or their governing professional body.
  18. ADHD Certify acknowledges and retains intellectual property rights related to any materials, assessments, or content provided during the course of its services. Unauthorised reproduction or distribution of such materials is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from ADHD Certify.

    By continuing, you acknowledge and agree that you have read, understood, and accepted the terms and conditions outlined herein. Your continued use of ADHD Certify constitutes your ongoing acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from further use of ADHD Certify.